November 25, 2005

Letters to the Editor

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Creation is proof of God’s ‘intelligent design’

I have a few comments to make about the article on evolution in the Nov. 18 issue of The Criterion. I find it hard to understand Jesuit Father George Coyne’s criticism of intelligent design and his statement, “But that doesn’t make God a ‘designer.’ That belittles God, it makes him paltry.”

To me, referring to God as an “intelligent designer” is perfectly logical and edifying. As an architect and a designer, I know from experience that nothing beautiful is ever created by itself or by chance. In fact, everything is in opposition to creating beauty, harmony and perfection. It is only by love, talent and gifted creativity that we humans are able to create things of beauty. It is obvious to me that God has created everything in the universe with love, beauty and perfection.

The struggle, as I see it, is that the term “evolution” that our kids are taught primarily means that everything existing came about all by itself without a creator. To challenge that assumption, some argue for intelligent design by an intelligent creator.

I am aware that our Catholic Church is open to the theory of evolution as the process that God used in creation, but the general public does not understand our position. I have taught my children for years that most all of the sciences are a pursuit of understanding how God created the universe and how his creation functions.

Evolution without God or an intelligent designer is an empty theory. Nothing is ever created from nothing or all by itself, especially in beauty and perfection. I believe that God is the intelligent Creator, and his beautiful creation is proof enough for me!

-Michael Chamblee, Nashville


Thanks to all who help the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

During this season of emphasis on thanksgiving for blessings and generosity toward others, I would like to take the opportunity to publicly thank the supporters of the ministries and works of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP).

Our organization is not blessed with the notoriety and visibility that other non-profits enjoy, but our works are nonetheless important and impactful to the most vulnerable segments of society. In disaster cases, for example, SVDP receives requests for assistance with ongoing needs like utility bills long after first responders have completed their work.

The Indianapolis Council of SVDP is a 100 percent volunteer organization with some 1,500 members dedicated to the Christian call to serve those in need. Our volunteers seek no recognition or special honors as that is reserved for the Lord. The only holiday “bonus” that I can offer is a sincere expression of gratitude and prayers for good health in order to continue year-round service to the less fortunate.

Since we rely on volunteers at all levels of the organization and insist on careful stewardship of the funds entrusted to our mission, administrative expenses are kept at a bare minimum. For example, we have not spent the funds to employ professional grant writers, and our informal applications and requests are frequently denied.

This leads me to also extend thanks and gratitude to our benefactors. Through the tireless efforts of some key volunteers, SVDP has established a group of regular donors who generously give of their resources to fund local programs and operations. But the need continues to be great with ever-increasing demands on our resources. If you would like to help overcome a projected operating deficit in the 2005-06 fiscal year, please visit our website ( or mail contributions to:

Society of St. Vincent de Paul
P.O. Box 19133
Indianapolis, IN 46219

Again, a big “thank you” to all SVDP constituents, and may everyone enjoy some well-deserved time with family and friends over the holidays.

-Don Striegel, Indianapolis


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