February 1, 2013

Events Calendar

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The Coming Week - - - General - - - Retreats


The Coming Week

February 1

Marian University, chapel, 3200 Cold Spring Road, Indianapolis. Lumen Dei meeting, Mass, 6:30 a.m., breakfast following Mass. Information: rhumper69@yahoo.com.

SS. Francis and Clare School, 5901 Olive Branch Road, Greenwood. Open house, 9-11 a.m. Information: 317-215-2826 or office@francisandclare.org.

February 2

Holy Guardian Angels Church, 405 U.S. Highway 52, Cedar Grove. First Saturday Devotion Prayer Group, Mass, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, rosary, confession, meditation and reflections of St. Dominic, 8 a.m. Information: pahren@live.com.

Carmelite Monastery, 59 Allendale, Terre Haute. Helpers of God’s Precious Infants, prayer vigil, Mass, 7:30 a.m., Planned Parenthood, 30 S. 3rd St., 9:30 a.m., prayer, St. Patrick Adoration Chapel, 1807 Poplar St., 10 a.m., Divine Mercy Chaplet. Information: mcbroom.tom@gmail.com.

February 4

St. Maria Goretti Church, 17102 Spring Mill Road, Westfield, Ind. (Diocese of Lafayette). Worship concert featuring Tony Avellana, Katie Stark and Linda Yu-Picard, 7-8:15 p.m., free-will donations to support and promote the sanctity of life. Information: tonyavellana.com.

February 5

St. Monica Parish, Parish Life Center, 6131 N. Michigan Rd., Indianapolis. Catholic Adult Fellowship, studying Vatican II document on Lay Apostolate, 7-8:30 p.m. Information or directions: 317-410-4870 or CatholicAdultFellowship.org.

February 6

Archbishop O’Meara Catholic Center, 1400 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis. Solo Seniors, Catholic, educational, charitable and social singles, 50 and over, single, separated, widowed or divorced, new members welcome, 6:30 p.m. Information: 317-370-1189.

February 9

St. Roch Parish, Family Life Center, 3603 S. Meridian St., Indianapolis. Single Seniors meeting, 1 p.m., age 50 and over. Information: 317-784-4207.

St. Thomas More Parish, 1200 N. Indiana St., Mooresville. Mardi Gras Hoosier Style, food, music, 6 p.m.-midnight, $10 single, $15 couple. Information: 317-831-4142.

Holy Family Parish, 815 W. Main St., Richmond. 6th Annual Chocolate Fest, 6-9 p.m., $12 adults, $5 children 6-12 years old, children 5 and under no charge. Information: 765-969-4919 or lrourke66@hotmail.com.

February 9-10

St. Bartholomew Church, 1306 27th St., Columbus. Concert series, “Amanecer-At the Break of Dawn,” Pedro Rubalcava and St. Bartholomew Choir and Shalom, Sat. 7 p.m., Sun. 2:30 p.m. Information: 812-379-9353 ext. 237, or bminut_stb@yahoo.com.

February 10

Movie Buff Theatre, 3535 W. 86th St., Indianapolis. “October Baby,” 1 p.m., free tickets available until Feb. 6. 317-515-7269.

February 15

Northside Knights of Columbus Hall, 2100 E. 71st St., Indianapolis. Catholic Business Exchange, Mass, breakfast and program, “Putting ALL Children First,” Fred Klipsch, Chairman, Klipsch Group Inc., presenter, 6:30-8:30 a.m., $15 members, $21 non-members. Reservations and information: www.catholicbusiness exchange.org.

February 16

St. Michael the Archangel Church, 3354 W. 30th St., Indianapolis. Helpers of God’s Precious Infants, pro-life Mass, Father Jeremy Gries, celebrant, 8:30 a.m., followed by rosary outside abortion clinic and Benediction at church. Information: Archdiocesan Office for Pro-Life Ministry, 317-236-1569 or 800-382-9836, ext. 1569.

St. Michael the Archangel Parish, Parish Life Center, 3354 W. 30th St., Indianapolis. Office of Pro-Life Ministry and St. Michael the Archangel Parish, “Living the Gospel of Life: A Challenge to American Catholics,” 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Information: 317-633-1794 or peggygeis@att.net.

February 17

Catholic Community of Richmond, 701 N. “A” St., Richmond. Charismatic prayer group, 7 p.m. Information: dicksoncorp@parallax.ws.

February 20

Calvary Cemetery, Mausoleum Chapel, 435 W. Troy Ave., Indianapolis. Mass, 2 p.m. Information: 317-784-4439 or www.catholiccemeteries.cc.

February 21

Our Lady of Peace Cemetery, Mausoleum Chapel, 9001 N. Haverstick Road, Indianapolis. Mass, 2 p.m. Information: 317-574-8898 or www.catholiccemeteries.cc.

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General Announcements

Annual SPRED dinner/dance fundraiser set for March 2

“All Aboard the Love Boat” is the theme for the 13th annual Special Religious Education (SPRED) Dinner/Dance fundraiser to be held at 6 p.m. on March 2 at The Marten House Hotel and Lilly Conference Center in Indianapolis. Tickets are $50 per person.

SPRED is a ministry of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis that provides faith formation and religious education to persons with developmental disabilities and special needs.

Funds raised from the event help serve more than 100 adults and children who participate in SPRED groups throughout the archdiocese.

The evening will also feature a silent auction and raffle. Donations for the silent auction are needed.

To make a donation or to purchase tickets, please contact Stephanie Pierce at Stephanie@pierceplace.com, or Kara Favata at 317-236-1448.

For more information, log on to their website at archindy.org/OCE/ourprograms/spred.html.


Free choral music program at Saint Meinrad is on Feb. 2

This event has been cancelled due to inclement weather

The Bloomington (Ind.) Chapter of the American Guild of Organists and musicians from Indiana University will present a free program of choral music titled “As a Victim Won the Day: Music in Times of War” at 3 p.m. central standard time (CST) on Feb. 2 at the Saint Meinrad Archabbey Church in St. Meinrad.

The event is sponsored by the organ and choral conducting departments of the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music and the Bloomington chapter of the American Guild of Organists.

The program is free and open to the public. Parking is available in the Guest House and student parking lots.

For more information, contact Mary Jeanne Schumacher on Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST at 812-357-6501.


Seasons of Hope bereavement support group offers six-week session

Seasons of Hope, a bereavement support group program sponsored by the archdiocesan Office of Family Ministries, will be offered for six consecutive Mondays from Feb. 18 through March 25 at two Indianapolis parishes.

St. Therese of the Infant Jesus (Little Flower) Parish, 4720 E. 13th St., will offer the sessions from 1-2:30 p.m., and Holy Spirit, 7243 E. 10th St., will offer the sessions from 7-9 p.m. Please register for either the afternoon or evening sessions—they are not interchangeable.

To gain the full benefit of the group process, participants are asked to commit to attend each week.

To register and receive a participant booklet, contact Peggy Clegg at 317-357-8352 or pclegg@littleflowerparish.org, or Marilyn Hess at 317-777-5377 or mbhess43@gmail.com.

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Retreats and Programs

February 2

Oldenburg Franciscan Center, Oldenburg. “Mindfulness,” Franciscan Sister Olga Wittekind, presenter, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., $45 includes lunch. Information: 812-933-6437 or oldenburgfranciscancenter.org.

February 8-10

Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 200 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. Couples retreat, “Building Family Love,” Benedictine Father Noel Mueller, presenter. Information: 812-357-6585 or mzoeller@saintmeinrad.edu.

February 9

Oldenburg Franciscan Center, Oldenburg. “Introduction to Spiritual Direction,” Franciscan Sister Olga Wittekind, presenter, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., no charge. Information: 812-933-6437 or oldenburgfranciscancenter.org.

Oldenburg Franciscan Center, Oldenburg. “St. Valentine’s Dinner: Praying our Days, Linked in Prayer,” Bill and Colette Fike, presenters, 4:30-8:30 p.m., $60 per couple includes dinner. Information: 812-933-6437 or oldenburgfranciscancenter.org.

Mount Saint Francis Center for Spirituality, 101 St. Anthony Drive, Mt. St. Francis. “Couples Retreat Day, Gifts for the Journey,” 9 a.m. Information: 812-923-8817.

Mount Saint Francis Center for Spirituality, 101 St. Anthony Drive, Mt. St. Francis. New Albany Deanery Catholic Youth Ministries, “Catholic 101 Retreat,” grades 9-12, 9 a.m. Information: 812-945-2000 or leah@nadyouth.org.

February 10

Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. Lenten Retreat in Everyday Life. Information: 317-545-7681 or archindy.org/fatima.

February 11

Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. Silent Self-Guided Day of Reflection. Information: 317-545-7681 or archindy.org/fatima.

Oldenburg Franciscan Center, Oldenburg. “Men’s Night,” Franciscan Father Carl Hawver, presenter, 7-8:30 p.m., free-will offering. Information: 812-933-6437 or oldenburgfranciscancenter.org.

February 13

Oldenburg Franciscan Center, Oldenburg. “Contemplative Prayer,” Franciscan Sister Olga Wittekind, presenter, 3-4:30 p.m., $5 per session. Information: 812-933-6437 or oldenburgfranciscancenter.org.

February 15-17

Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. Retreat, “Forgiveness: It Has Nothing to do with the Offender.” Information: 317-545-7681 or archindy.org/fatima.

February 16

Oldenburg Franciscan Center, Michaela Farm, Oldenburg. “From the Farm to Your Table,” Chris Merkel, presenter, 9:30-11:30 a.m., $20 per person. Information: 812-933-6437 or oldenburgfranciscancenter.org.

February 17

Oldenburg Franciscan Center, dining room, Oldenburg. “Coffee Talk: All is Sacred,” Franciscan Sister Sharonlu Sheridan, presenter, 10:45 a.m.-noon, free-will offering. Information: 812-933-6437 or oldenburgfranciscancenter.org.

February 20

Benedict Inn Retreat and Conference Center, 1402 Southern Ave., Beech Grove. “Visio Divina: Lenten Series,” Benedictine Sister Angela Jarboe, presenter, 6:30-9 p.m., $30, per session or $25 per session if registered and paid in advance for all five sessions. Information: 317-788-7581 or benedictinn@benedictinn.org.

February 22-24

Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. Office of Family Ministries, “Retrouvaille weekend: A Lifeline for Marriages.” Information: 317-489-6811 or retroindy.com, or register online at register@retroindy.com.

February 25

Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. Our Lady of Fatima and the Benedict Inn, “F.B.I. Lent: Reconciliation—A Holistic Approach to Peace,” Franciscan Sister Norma Rocklage, presenter, Mass, 5:30 p.m., buffet dinner 6:30 p.m., presentation and discussion, 7-9 p.m., $30 per person, includes dinner. Information: 317-545-7681 or benedictinn@benedictinn.org.

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