January 17, 2014

My Journey to God

Remember Me Jesus

Remember me Jesus
When you come joyously into the kingdom
I want to be very good, but I fail and sin will come
Help me to always overcome the advent of sin
Open wide the door of heaven and let me in.

Remember me Jesus
When I am impatient for an answer from your Father
For I expect immediate answer to my prayer
Accompany me on my arduous journey to Him
Be at my side always for some obstacles are grim.

Remember me Jesus
When I struggle hard to bring the world to you
May I always see your presence in all that I do
Help me to realize fully that I cannot do it all alone
To see that your holiness and perfection sets the tone.

Remember me Jesus
When I need your support on my long journey of faith
Guide my steps and caution me to be patient and wait
Help me to live my spiritual life in imitation of you
Be with me in eternal life where the sky is always blue.

By Thomas J. Rillo

(Thomas J. Rillo is a member of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Bloomington and a Benedictine oblate of Saint Meinrad Archabbey in St. Meinrad.)

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