What was in the news on May 15, 1964?
Proposals for the use of vernacular in the Mass are approved, and discussion about the pill
By Brandon A. Evans
This week, we continue to examine what was going on in the Church and the world 50 years ago as seen through the pages of The Criterion.
Here are some of the items found in the May 15, 1964, issue of The Criterion:
- U.S. vernacular proposals reported approved by Rome
- “BOSTON (RNS)—Cardinal Richard Cushing, Archbishop of Boston, said here that the U.S. bishops’ proposals for the use of the vernacular [English] in some parts of the Mass and in the administration of sacraments had received the complete approval of the Vatican. His announcement came during an address before 1,200 delegates attending the 28th Annual Diocesan Congress of the League of Catholic Women. The cardinal said the forthcoming use of English in the Mass was ‘only one indication’ of the Second Vatican Council’s aim to foster widespread renewal of the Church. Official announcement of the Vatican’s ratification of the U.S. bishops’ proposed usage of English in the liturgy could be expected within three weeks, he told the delegates.”
$378,125 distributed: Home Missions Office issues summary report
‘Pill’ draws censure in Britain
- “LONDON—The Catholic hierarchy of England and Wales, in a 1,500-word statement issued here, warned that ‘a new contraceptive pill now being advertised’ must remain banned to Catholics along with all other artificial birth control ‘instruments.’ At the same time, noting that research is being conducted on a pill to make the time of ovulation predictable, the bishops said this was something on which the Second Vatican Council might be asked to give moral guidance.”
Urges nuns to simplify their garb
Richmond rights march scheduled this Sunday
Cremation penalties mitigated
Lady of Grace takes control of Hermitage
Raise due for Sisters
Plan prayer day for human rights
Declares economic aid is not enough
Laymen and the council: The layman in the world
Hoosier missioner saves the day
Adopts Congo music for Mass
Widow becomes nun after 47-year wait
Ordination class of 1939 plans joint 25th jubilee celebration
Pope names four legates
Some dating seen good for youth
Question Box: How can married man be ordained?
Laity urged to speak out
Men can change selves, world, symposium
Scripture scholarship seen at fault in texts
Radio series deals with Latin America
Scouting is seen as effective answer to delinquency
Warns of ‘pushing’ in vocations work
Bishop Wright addresses Methodist conference
St. Louis deacons slated for summer in-service training
Pope comments on the dignity of motherhood
‘Pill’ that meets moral norms seen on the way
Proves sharp debate: Legal questions raised by ‘prayer amendment’
Pope sends a message: 3 cardinals take part in ND library rites
St. Peter’s holds novena for unity
Argentine president quotes Pope John
Polish primate sees Pope Paul
(Read all of these stories from our May 15, 1964, issue by logging on to our special archives.) †