July 25, 2014

My Journey to God

O God Why Do You Take the Best?

O God
Why do you have to take away the best?
Take them away in the very prime of life
Robbing them of the future in their youth
Of a bright, promising and fulfilling future.

O God
Why do you sometimes let the best fall?
To succumb to the onslaught of disease
To become innocent victims of violence
And become subjects of horrible accidents.

O God
You sit in judgment with great sadness
Giving us free will and independence
Giving us the faith to cope with death
The victims of life-taking risks you accept.

O God
Does anyone know the nature of your wisdom?
Our understanding of your decisions quite dim
Only through Jesus your Son can we know you
Through Jesus we understand why you take the best.

By Thomas J. Rillo

(Thomas J. Rillo is a member of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Bloomington and a Benedictine oblate of Saint Meinrad Archabbey in St. Meinrad.)

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