November 12, 2021

My Journey to God

Let God be God

Do not try to imitate God
     Always let God be God
Sublimate your own will
     Be still and come to know Him
Listen to His words with your heart
     The ear of your heart is best.

Let go and let God guide you
     A journey taken to grow closer to Him
Our God is a mighty God if you let Him
     Let God be omnipotent and eternal
For this is what He is and can be for you.

Let God show you His hidden majesty
     Allow God to work His purpose out
Let God speak His almighty Word
     Loosen your tongue and praise God
Rejoice before God your creator
     Listen to God through His prophets.

Magnify God who created the world
     Let God be your sound foundation
Let God share with you His only begotten Son
     Let God open the door to His heavenly house
Allow God to be always in your heart
     Let God take you by the hand at heaven’s gate.

By Thomas J. Rillo

(The late Thomas J. Rillo was a member of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Bloomington and was a Benedictine oblate of Saint Meinrad Archabbey in St. Meinrad. He died on May 25.)

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