August 9, 2024

My Journey to God


Lord, it is true, I am weak.
I fail, I falter, it’s You I need.
Often though, the world I seek,
Forgetting to step aside and let You lead.

When assaults and persecutions come my way,
I quickly question where You might be.
Their words and actions hurt, leading my heart astray.
It feels like drowning in the darkest sea.

Today though, I hear Your voice:
“My grace is sufficient for you.
While to some you may be a choice,
My love for you is forever and true.”

Therefore, I know in weakness, I’m strong.
In insults, in judgements, in pain, I’m found.
Your heart is where mine belongs,
With You, I am home, safe and sound.

Your grace is sufficient for me,
And I am sufficient, just as a I am, to You.

By Megan Gehrich

(Megan Gerich is a member of St Mary Parish in Greensburg, where she serves as coordinator of youth ministry and religious education.)

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