August 23, 2024

My Journey to God


Small child in church
Takes grape juice and bread
Symbol of Jesus
The grown-ups said

Teenager reads Scripture
Words start to glow
Hints of some promise
More there to know

Time yields its lessons
Life everywhere
Growth and conversion
Have led me here

Now kneeling unholy
But by You redeemed
Communion now so much
More than it seemed

Christ in the wine
Christ in the bread
Not just a symbol
True Presence, You said
How this can be
I cannot say
But where You will
Is found a way

True food for the journey
Intimate grace
Healing and mercy
Beyond time and space

Gift freely given
Unique to each soul
Help for each hidden need
You alone know

Communion now Eucharist
Sacrament sweet
Transformative power
As Faith and Love meet

By Linda Abner

(Linda Abner is a member of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Indianapolis.)

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