Summers, Rev. Randall R., MBA, MA, MDiv

Our Lady of the Springs, 8796 W. State Road 56, French Lick, IN 47432

Birthdate: September 12

Ordination: June 2, 2007

Current Assignment: 2021, pastor, Our Lady of the Springs, French Lick, and Our Lord Jesus Christ the King, Paoli

Ministry History: 2007, Associate pastor, St. Barnabas, Indianapolis; 2008, administrator, St. Barnabas, Indianapolis; 2009, pastor, St. Barnabas, Indianapolis; 2010, pastor, St. Louis, Batesville; 2013, priest moderator, St. Nicholas, Sunman, while continuing as pastor, St. Louis, Batesville; 2014 leave of absence; 2014 (Nov.) sacramental assistance, St. Bartholomew, Columbus; 2015, pastor, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Bright.

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